Toroidal Dreams
(Solo Video Dance Explorations - New Zealand – 2019-2020)
The Toroidal Dreams series emerged during the reduced spaces of my flat, the year before, during, and after the confinements caused by the Covid pandemic. In these sessions, I used my cell phone to record spontaneous improvisations, aiming to explore choreographic possibilities and delve deeper into the concept of choreostates. These explorations were influenced by my meditation practices, where Kundalini Yoga views meditation as a form of "self-hypnosis".
I created visual kinetic vortex designs inspired by the toroidal pattern, Rodin’s vortex-based mathematics and Russell’s vortex mechanics. These mirroring choreographies went beyond visuality, embodying the cyclical nature of life and death, fear and love, as complementary forces. Through these movement exercises, I activated the subtle perception of these polarities (feminine/masculine, positive/negative, ascending/descending, inner/outer) as a means to attend to and balance these aspects within myself.