El Vuelo de los Peces (2015)
Colombia - IDARTES
Along with Dalia and Zazir, this piece is one of the results of the 2015 Dance Resident Company project at the Teatro Jorge Eliecer Gaitán, an initiative organised by the Sub-Directorate of Arts and Cultural Facilities and the Dance Management of the District Institute of the Arts (IDARTES). The project aimed to foster and contribute to the professional development and qualification of dance in the city and the country.
In 2015, this project brought together a team of 12 dancers from different cities and educational backgrounds, forming a professional ensemble. This group established a creative dialogue through a multidisciplinary exchange and sought new possibilities for dance, the body, and its expression.
The Flight of the Fish was a work guided by estrangement and a fascination with the dreamlike. This time, collaborating closely with a team of artists as dramaturgical advisors and an art direction team, the work explored the first stage of The Flight of the Fish.
Direction & Choreography
Vivian Medina
Ana María Benavides Rodríguez
Aníbal Andrés Quiceno Cerinza
Asdrual Robayo
David Suárez Bejarano
Diana Marcela Salamanca Torres
Jeimy Carolina Avellaneda
Jeison Leonardo Sánchez Ortega
Luisa Fernanda Camacho Riaño
Luz Angélica Acuña Vásquez
Rafael Arturo Chitiva Zamudio
Silem Guevara Osorio
Wilson Javier Blanco Núñez
Ana Maria Vallejo
Art Direction
Javier Gutiérrez
Camilo Giraldo
Assistant Director
Olga León
Juan Carlos Aldana Cecile